Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe CPCE
Jahrestreffen zwischen EBF und GEKE / Annual Meeting Between EBF and CPCE
Zum jährlichen Treffen von European Baptist Federation (EBF) und GEKE kamen EBF-Generalsekretär Alan Donaldson und Pastor Christian Wehde nach Wien in die Geschäftsstelle der GEKE. Gemeinsam mit GEKE-Generalsekretär Mario Fischer und Studiensekretär Thomas-Andreas...
Thanks for Sibiu-Hermannstadt-Nagyszeben/ Dank für Sibiu- Hermannstadt-Nagyszeben
A General Assembly is a complex event. It is important to achieve work goals without neglecting the communion of participants. The international and intercultural perspective must connect, but the local still needs to be familiarized with. The spiritual component is...
Eglise sans vocation? / Church Without a Vocation? / Kirche ohne Berufung?
La Conférence des Églises protestantes des pays latins d'Europe (CEPPLE) s'est retrouvée pour un colloque du 08 au 09 octobre 2024 au Centre 'Los Rubios' près de Malaga en Espagne et a réfléchie sur la crise de l'engagement. Une vocation est un engagement fort, un...
About us
The CPCE is a communion of protestant churches. 96 lutheran, methodist, reformed and united churches from over thirty countries in Europe and South America belong to it. With that the CPCE represents altogether around 50 million Protestants.
The CPCE exists thanks to the Leuenberg Agreement of 1973. It concluded: churches are allowed to be different because they appeal to the Gospel as their common basis. That sounds simple, but has far-reaching consequences: since then a lutheran minister can preach from a reformed pulpit or a French minister lead a congregation in Germany.
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Jahrestreffen zwischen EBF und GEKE / Annual Meeting Between EBF and CPCE
Zum jährlichen Treffen von European Baptist Federation (EBF) und GEKE kamen EBF-Generalsekretär Alan Donaldson und Pastor Christian Wehde nach Wien in die Geschäftsstelle der GEKE. Gemeinsam mit GEKE-Generalsekretär Mario Fischer und Studiensekretär Thomas-Andreas...
About us
The CPCE is the umbrella organisation of the protestant churches. 94 lutheran, methodist, reformed and united churches from over thirty countries in Europe and South America belong to it. With that the CPCE represents altogether around 50 million Protestants.
The CPCE exists thanks to the Leuenberg Agreement of 1973. It concluded: churches are allowed to be different because they appeal to the Gospel as their common basis. That sounds simple, but has far-reaching consequences: since then a lutheran minister can preach from a reformed pulpit or a French minister lead a congregation in Germany.
Rich Relationships – The Joint Task of the Church as Diaspora
Many Protestant churches are in the minority – in Europe and all over the world. Some churches have been in this situation for many decades, while for others it is a new challenge. Yet others see themselves moving towards life as a minority.
The CPCE study document “Theology of Diaspora” developed a concept of diaspora that understands diaspora as shaping fullness of relations in a spirit of Christian discipleship.
Now CPCE published an abridged version and further development of the study document “Theology of Diaspora” as edition no. 30 of CPCE’s magazine focus, entitled “Rich Relationships – The Joint Task of the Church as Diaspora”.
This focus booklet should appeal to anyone who likes and enjoys reflecting upon the Church and its meaning and purpose in the world with regard to its actual or progressively minority situation in Europe.
Numerous children are growing up without parents in eastern (and to some extent also southern) Europe, dubbed “Euro-orphans” by the international press. What happens to these children when their parents go to work abroad indefinitely?
The CPCE is working with the Gustav Adolf Foundation to support various projects run by churches for these children and their families in eight different European countries. From 17 to 19 April 2023 a network meeting of project managers took place in Katowice.