
The CPCE has something to say. It has given important impetus to ecumenism. With its study, “The Church of Jesus Christ”, a comprehensive Protestant understanding of the church was formulated for the first time. The following study, “Church and Israel”, made this teaching fruitful for the relationship between Christians and Jews. Recent years have seen the addition of significant statements on ethical decision-making and on the missional task of the churches.

The CPCE sends signals. In the last few years, the Presidium and Council have repeatedly introduced a distinctive Protestant position into important debates in society at large. Among these are the process of European union, human rights, intercultural dialogue and the questioning of a “just war”, as well as religious freedom and freedom of opinion.

Here you can download a variety of publications. To order available printed copies, please refer to our webshop.

Leuenberg Agreement

The CPCE is the communion of the Protestant churches. 96 Lutheran, Methodist, Reformed and United churches from over thirty countries in Europe and South America belong to it. With that the CPCE represents altogether around 50 million Protestants.

The CPCE exists thanks to the Leuenberg Agreement of 1973. It concluded: churches are allowed to be different because they appeal to the Gospel as their common basis. That sounds simple, but has far-reaching consequences: since then a Lutheran minister can preach from a Reformed pulpit or a French minister lead a congregation in Germany.

Estonian Download
Hungarian Download
Lithuanian Download
Romanian Download

Leuenberg Texts

Leuenberg Documents 1: The Church of Jesus Christ (English / German)Download
Leuenberg Documents 1: The Church of Jesus Christ (French)Download
Leuenberg Documents 1: The Church of Jesus Christ (Czech)Download
Leuenberg Documents 1: The Church of Jesus Christ (Russian)Download
Leuenberg Documents 2: Sacraments, Ministry, Ordination Download
Leuenberg Documents 3: Protestant Texts on Ethical Decision-Making Download
Leuenberg Documents 4: Leuenberg, Meissen, and Porvoo Download
Leuenberg Documents 5: The Christian WItness on Freedom Download
Leuenberg Documents 6: Church and Israel Download
Leuenberg Documents 7: Church - People - State - Nation Download
Leuenberg Documents 8: Consultation between the CEC and the LCF on Ecclesiology Download
Leuenberg Documents 9: Dialogue between EBF and CPCE on the Doctrine and Practice of Baptism Download
Leuenberg Documents 10: Gesetz und Evangelium Download
Leuenberg Documents 11: Consultations between CEC and CPCE Download
Leuenberg Documents 14: Scripture - Confession - Church Download
Leuenberg Documents 15: Protestant in Europe Download

General Assembly 2024 Sibiu

Christliches Reden von Gott-DE.pdfDownload
Praxis und Theologie des Abendmahls-DE.pdfDownload
GEKE Statut DE.pdfDownload
Schlussbericht der 9. Vollversammlung der GEKE DE.pdfDownload
Bericht des Generalsekretärs DE.pdfDownload
Bericht des Präsidiums DE.pdfDownload
Statement Democracy DE.pdfDownload
Statement Interreligiöse Beziehungen DE.pdfDownload
Statement Migration DE.pdfDownload
Statement Minderheiten DE.pdfDownload
Christian Speaking of God-EN.pdfDownload
Practice and Theology of the Lord's Supper-EN.pdfDownload
CPCE Statute EN.pdfDownload
Final Report of the 9th General Assembly of the CPCE EN.pdfDownload
Report by the Presidium EN.pdfDownload
Report General Secretary EN.pdfDownload
Statement Democracy EN.pdfDownload
Interreligious Relations EN.pdfDownload
Migration Statement EN.pdfDownload
Minorities EN.pdfDownload


A time to live, and a time to dieDownload
Leben hat seine Zeit, Sterben hat seine ZeitDownload
Čas žít, čas umíratDownload
Un temps pour vivre, et un temps pour mourirDownload
Czas życia i czas umieraniaDownload
Before I formed you in the wombDownload
Bevor ich Dich im Mutterleib geformt habeDownload
Avant que je te forme dans le ventreDownload
Interpellations protestantes sur l’Assistance Médicale à la Procréation et la Gestation Pour AutruiDownload
Viljatusravi ja suremisabi eetikaDownload
Before I formed you in the womb (Ukrainian)Download

Ecumenical Dialogues

Agreement EBF-CPCE September 2010Download
Vereinbarung EBF-GEKE September 2010Download
CPCE-Anglican communiqué Kappel 2014Download
CPCE-Anglican memorandum Dec 2012Download
GEKE-Anglikaner Memorandum Dez 2012Download
Pontifical CouncilDownload
Päpstlicher EinheitsratDownload
Conseil pontificalDownload


Liebfrauenberg DeclarationDownload
Declaration du LiebfrauenbergDownload
Ecclesia semper reformanda 2012Download
Formation of Faith. Handing on the Faith in Europan ProtestantismDownload
Free for the Future. Protestant Churches in Europe. Documents of the 7th CPCE General Assembly, Florence 2012Download