Rich Relationships – The Joint Task of the Church as Diaspora
The booklet “Rich Relationships – The Joint Task of the Church as Diaspora” is an abridged version and further development of the CPCE study document “Theology of Diaspora”.
The aim of it is to support Protestant churches in Europe in reflecting theologically upon their minority situation – which is perhaps only just happening – in order to enable them to grasp the opportunities and possibilities this presents for being Church together as followers of Jesus Christ in the world.
It has been published as an edition of CPCE’s magazine focus and contains besides the text examples from practice in the member churches and questions to reflect upon yourself and for further discussion.
You can download the booklet in English, French or German in PDF format here. To order the printed version of edition no. 30 of the magazine focus free-of-charge, in either English, French or German, please email presse(at) (citing your postal address and the number of copies you require in which language).
You can order or download the full CPCE study document “Theology of Diaspora” here.
Church and Media Coverage of the Topic
Rich Relationships – The Joint Task of the Church as Diaspora
(CPCE focus 30)