Liturgies of Sweden

Church of Sweden

 The Church of Sweden is a national church of Lutheran confession to which 83% of the population belong. It has 13 dioceses with diocese bishops and an archbishop. Its separation from the State took place on 1 January 2000.

The Liturgy of the Church of Sweden for its main worship with communion has four parts:

  • Preparation (with hymn, invitation to confession, introit, kyrie eleison and gloria in excelsis),
  • Ministry of the Word (with collect, readings from the Old Testament, Epistle, hymn, gospel reading, sermon, creed, hymn and intercession),
  • Lord’s Supper (with offertory, thanksgiving, eucharistic prayer, Lord’s Prayer, breaking of bread, peace, communion und thanksgiving),
  • Conclusion (with benedicamus, blessing, hymn and postlude).

 Full liturgy:

Service of Holy Communion